Event detail
SMART ENERGY FORUM *Podporovaná oficiální účast ČR*
Veletrh moderní energetiky
19.3. - 20.3.2025
Nitra, Slovakia
Web: agrokomplex.sk/smart-energy-forum
- Agriculture, Timber processing, Gardening, Breeding, Hunting, Fishing
- Energetics, Electroengineering
- Heating, Cooling, Air-condition, Sanitary appliances, Ecology, Water
- Industry, Technology, Science, Research, Inventions, Technological innovation
CzechTrade (Organizátor oficiální účasti ČR a garant dotačního programu)
Dittrichova 21
128 01 Praha 2
Tel.: 224 907 576
E-mail: [email protected]
Web: www.czechtrade.cz
We advise double-check the dates and location on the
event's official site