Event detail
Today, 120 years after it was created, this little-known but artistically noteworthy series of etchings and aquatints can be seen in its entirety in the form of a print room exhibition. It is a reminder of the important role played by the resurgence of graphic art at the turn of the twentieth century as well as of the position held by female artists in this genre.
6.3. - 22.11.2020
Praha - Veletržní palác, Czech Republic
Web: www.ngprague.cz/exposition-detail/nebourat-podoby-brutalismu-v-praze
Národní galerie - Veletržní palác
Dukelských hrdinů 47
170 00 Praha 7
Tel.: 224 301 122
E-mail: info@ngprague.cz
Web: www.ngprague.cz
We advise double-check the dates and location on the
event's official site